PSPSDK 2025-03-19
No Matches
File IO Library

This module contains the imports for the kernel's IO routines. More...


enum  IoAssignPerms { IOASSIGN_RDWR = 0 , IOASSIGN_RDONLY = 1 }
 Permission value for the sceIoAssign function. More...


SceUID sceIoOpen (const char *file, int flags, SceMode mode)
 Open or create a file for reading or writing.
SceUID sceIoOpenAsync (const char *file, int flags, SceMode mode)
 Open or create a file for reading or writing (asynchronous)
int sceIoClose (SceUID fd)
 Delete a descriptor.
int sceIoCloseAsync (SceUID fd)
 Delete a descriptor (asynchronous)
int sceIoRead (SceUID fd, void *data, SceSize size)
 Read input.
int sceIoReadAsync (SceUID fd, void *data, SceSize size)
 Read input (asynchronous)
int sceIoWrite (SceUID fd, const void *data, SceSize size)
 Write output.
int sceIoWriteAsync (SceUID fd, const void *data, SceSize size)
 Write output (asynchronous)
SceOff sceIoLseek (SceUID fd, SceOff offset, int whence)
 Reposition read/write file descriptor offset.
int sceIoLseekAsync (SceUID fd, SceOff offset, int whence)
 Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (asynchronous)
int sceIoLseek32 (SceUID fd, int offset, int whence)
 Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (32bit mode)
int sceIoLseek32Async (SceUID fd, int offset, int whence)
 Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (32bit mode, asynchronous)
int sceIoRemove (const char *file)
 Remove directory entry.
int sceIoMkdir (const char *dir, SceMode mode)
 Make a directory file.
int sceIoRmdir (const char *path)
 Remove a directory file.
int sceIoChdir (const char *path)
 Change the current directory.
int sceIoRename (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
 Change the name of a file.
SceUID sceIoDopen (const char *dirname)
 Open a directory.
int sceIoDread (SceUID fd, SceIoDirent *dir)
 Reads an entry from an opened file descriptor.
int sceIoDclose (SceUID fd)
 Close an opened directory file descriptor.
int sceIoDevctl (const char *dev, unsigned int cmd, void *indata, int inlen, void *outdata, int outlen)
 Send a devctl command to a device.
int sceIoAssign (const char *dev1, const char *dev2, const char *dev3, int mode, void *unk1, long unk2)
 Assigns one IO device to another (I guess)
int sceIoUnassign (const char *dev)
 Unassign an IO device.
int sceIoGetstat (const char *file, SceIoStat *stat)
 Get the status of a file.
int sceIoChstat (const char *file, SceIoStat *stat, int bits)
 Change the status of a file.
int sceIoIoctl (SceUID fd, unsigned int cmd, void *indata, int inlen, void *outdata, int outlen)
 Perform an ioctl on a device.
int sceIoIoctlAsync (SceUID fd, unsigned int cmd, void *indata, int inlen, void *outdata, int outlen)
 Perform an ioctl on a device.
int sceIoSync (const char *device, unsigned int unk)
 Synchronise the file data on the device.
int sceIoWaitAsync (SceUID fd, SceInt64 *res)
 Wait for asyncronous completion.
int sceIoWaitAsyncCB (SceUID fd, SceInt64 *res)
 Wait for asyncronous completion (with callbacks).
int sceIoPollAsync (SceUID fd, SceInt64 *res)
 Poll for asyncronous completion.
int sceIoGetAsyncStat (SceUID fd, int poll, SceInt64 *res)
 Get the asyncronous completion status.
int sceIoCancel (SceUID fd)
 Cancel an asynchronous operation on a file descriptor.
int sceIoGetDevType (SceUID fd)
 Get the device type of the currently opened file descriptor.
int sceIoChangeAsyncPriority (SceUID fd, int pri)
 Change the priority of the asynchronous thread.
int sceIoSetAsyncCallback (SceUID fd, SceUID cb, void *argp)
 Sets a callback for the asynchronous action.

Detailed Description

This module contains the imports for the kernel's IO routines.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ IoAssignPerms

Permission value for the sceIoAssign function.


Assign the device read/write.


Assign the device read only.

Function Documentation

◆ sceIoAssign()

int sceIoAssign ( const char * dev1,
const char * dev2,
const char * dev3,
int mode,
void * unk1,
long unk2 )

Assigns one IO device to another (I guess)

dev1- The device name to assign.
dev2- The block device to assign from.
dev3- The filesystem device to mape the block device to dev1
mode- Read/Write mode. One of IoAssignPerms.
unk1- Unknown, set to NULL.
unk2- Unknown, set to 0.
< 0 on error.
Example: Reassign flash0 in read/write mode.
sceIoAssign("flash0", "lflash0:0,0", "flashfat0:", IOASSIGN_RDWR, NULL, 0);
int sceIoUnassign(const char *dev)
Unassign an IO device.
int sceIoAssign(const char *dev1, const char *dev2, const char *dev3, int mode, void *unk1, long unk2)
Assigns one IO device to another (I guess)
Assign the device read/write.
Definition pspiofilemgr.h:37
#define NULL
Definition psptypes.h:31

◆ sceIoCancel()

int sceIoCancel ( SceUID fd)

Cancel an asynchronous operation on a file descriptor.

fd- The file descriptor to perform cancel on.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoChangeAsyncPriority()

int sceIoChangeAsyncPriority ( SceUID fd,
int pri )

Change the priority of the asynchronous thread.

fd- The opened fd on which the priority should be changed.
pri- The priority of the thread.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoChdir()

int sceIoChdir ( const char * path)

Change the current directory.

path- The path to change to.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoChstat()

int sceIoChstat ( const char * file,
SceIoStat * stat,
int bits )

Change the status of a file.

file- The path to the file.
stat- A pointer to an io_stat_t structure.
bits- Bitmask defining which bits to change.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoClose()

int sceIoClose ( SceUID fd)

Delete a descriptor.

int sceIoClose(SceUID fd)
Delete a descriptor.
fd- File descriptor to close
< 0 on error

◆ sceIoCloseAsync()

int sceIoCloseAsync ( SceUID fd)

Delete a descriptor (asynchronous)

fd- File descriptor to close
< 0 on error

◆ sceIoDclose()

int sceIoDclose ( SceUID fd)

Close an opened directory file descriptor.

fd- Already opened file descriptor (using sceIoDopen)
< 0 on error

◆ sceIoDevctl()

int sceIoDevctl ( const char * dev,
unsigned int cmd,
void * indata,
int inlen,
void * outdata,
int outlen )

Send a devctl command to a device.

Example: Sending a simple command to a device (not a real devctl)
sceIoDevctl("ms0:", 0x200000, indata, 4, NULL, NULL);
int sceIoDevctl(const char *dev, unsigned int cmd, void *indata, int inlen, void *outdata, int outlen)
Send a devctl command to a device.
dev- String for the device to send the devctl to (e.g. "ms0:")
cmd- The command to send to the device
indata- A data block to send to the device, if NULL sends no data
inlen- Length of indata, if 0 sends no data
outdata- A data block to receive the result of a command, if NULL receives no data
outlen- Length of outdata, if 0 receives no data
0 on success, < 0 on error

Referenced by _gdbSupportLibFlushCaches().

◆ sceIoDopen()

SceUID sceIoDopen ( const char * dirname)

Open a directory.

int dfd;
dfd = sceIoDopen("device:/");
if(dfd >= 0)
{ Do something with the file descriptor }
SceUID sceIoDopen(const char *dirname)
Open a directory.
dirname- The directory to open for reading.
If >= 0 then a valid file descriptor, otherwise a Sony error code.

◆ sceIoDread()

int sceIoDread ( SceUID fd,
SceIoDirent * dir )

Reads an entry from an opened file descriptor.

fd- Already opened file descriptor (using sceIoDopen)
dir- Pointer to an io_dirent_t structure to hold the file information
Read status
  • 0 - No more directory entries left
  • > 0 - More directory entired to go
  • < 0 - Error

◆ sceIoGetAsyncStat()

int sceIoGetAsyncStat ( SceUID fd,
int poll,
SceInt64 * res )

Get the asyncronous completion status.

fd- The file descriptor which is current performing an asynchronous action.
poll- If 0 then waits for the status, otherwise it polls the fd.
res- The result of the async action.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoGetDevType()

int sceIoGetDevType ( SceUID fd)

Get the device type of the currently opened file descriptor.

fd- The opened file descriptor.
< 0 on error. Otherwise the device type?

◆ sceIoGetstat()

int sceIoGetstat ( const char * file,
SceIoStat * stat )

Get the status of a file.

file- The path to the file.
stat- A pointer to an io_stat_t structure.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoIoctl()

int sceIoIoctl ( SceUID fd,
unsigned int cmd,
void * indata,
int inlen,
void * outdata,
int outlen )

Perform an ioctl on a device.

fd- Opened file descriptor to ioctl to
cmd- The command to send to the device
indata- A data block to send to the device, if NULL sends no data
inlen- Length of indata, if 0 sends no data
outdata- A data block to receive the result of a command, if NULL receives no data
outlen- Length of outdata, if 0 receives no data
0 on success, < 0 on error

◆ sceIoIoctlAsync()

int sceIoIoctlAsync ( SceUID fd,
unsigned int cmd,
void * indata,
int inlen,
void * outdata,
int outlen )

Perform an ioctl on a device.


fd- Opened file descriptor to ioctl to
cmd- The command to send to the device
indata- A data block to send to the device, if NULL sends no data
inlen- Length of indata, if 0 sends no data
outdata- A data block to receive the result of a command, if NULL receives no data
outlen- Length of outdata, if 0 receives no data
0 on success, < 0 on error

◆ sceIoLseek()

SceOff sceIoLseek ( SceUID fd,
SceOff offset,
int whence )

Reposition read/write file descriptor offset.

pos = sceIoLseek(fd, -10, SEEK_END);
SceOff sceIoLseek(SceUID fd, SceOff offset, int whence)
Reposition read/write file descriptor offset.
fd- Opened file descriptor with which to seek
offset- Relative offset from the start position given by whence
whence- Set to SEEK_SET to seek from the start of the file, SEEK_CUR seek from the current position and SEEK_END to seek from the end.
The position in the file after the seek.

◆ sceIoLseek32()

int sceIoLseek32 ( SceUID fd,
int offset,
int whence )

Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (32bit mode)

pos = sceIoLseek32(fd, -10, SEEK_END);
int sceIoLseek32(SceUID fd, int offset, int whence)
Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (32bit mode)
fd- Opened file descriptor with which to seek
offset- Relative offset from the start position given by whence
whence- Set to SEEK_SET to seek from the start of the file, SEEK_CUR seek from the current position and SEEK_END to seek from the end.
The position in the file after the seek.

◆ sceIoLseek32Async()

int sceIoLseek32Async ( SceUID fd,
int offset,
int whence )

Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (32bit mode, asynchronous)

fd- Opened file descriptor with which to seek
offset- Relative offset from the start position given by whence
whence- Set to SEEK_SET to seek from the start of the file, SEEK_CUR seek from the current position and SEEK_END to seek from the end.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoLseekAsync()

int sceIoLseekAsync ( SceUID fd,
SceOff offset,
int whence )

Reposition read/write file descriptor offset (asynchronous)

fd- Opened file descriptor with which to seek
offset- Relative offset from the start position given by whence
whence- Set to SEEK_SET to seek from the start of the file, SEEK_CUR seek from the current position and SEEK_END to seek from the end.
< 0 on error. Actual value should be passed returned by the sceIoWaitAsync call.

◆ sceIoMkdir()

int sceIoMkdir ( const char * dir,
SceMode mode )

Make a directory file.

mode- Access mode.
Returns the value 0 if its succesful otherwise -1

◆ sceIoOpen()

SceUID sceIoOpen ( const char * file,
int flags,
SceMode mode )

Open or create a file for reading or writing.

Example1: Open a file for reading
if(!(fd = sceIoOpen("device:/path/to/file", O_RDONLY, 0777)) {
// error
SceUID sceIoOpen(const char *file, int flags, SceMode mode)
Open or create a file for reading or writing.
Example2: Open a file for writing, creating it if it doesnt exist
if(!(fd = sceIoOpen("device:/path/to/file", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0777)) {
// error
file- Pointer to a string holding the name of the file to open
flags- Libc styled flags that are or'ed together
mode- File access mode.
A non-negative integer is a valid fd, anything else an error

Referenced by _gdbSupportLibInit().

◆ sceIoOpenAsync()

SceUID sceIoOpenAsync ( const char * file,
int flags,
SceMode mode )

Open or create a file for reading or writing (asynchronous)

file- Pointer to a string holding the name of the file to open
flags- Libc styled flags that are or'ed together
mode- File access mode.
A non-negative integer is a valid fd, anything else an error

◆ sceIoPollAsync()

int sceIoPollAsync ( SceUID fd,
SceInt64 * res )

Poll for asyncronous completion.

fd- The file descriptor which is current performing an asynchronous action.
res- The result of the async action.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoRead()

int sceIoRead ( SceUID fd,
void * data,
SceSize size )

Read input.

bytes_read = sceIoRead(fd, data, 100);
int sceIoRead(SceUID fd, void *data, SceSize size)
Read input.
fd- Opened file descriptor to read from
data- Pointer to the buffer where the read data will be placed
size- Size of the read in bytes
The number of bytes read

Referenced by getDebugChar().

◆ sceIoReadAsync()

int sceIoReadAsync ( SceUID fd,
void * data,
SceSize size )

Read input (asynchronous)

bytes_read = sceIoRead(fd, data, 100);
fd- Opened file descriptor to read from
data- Pointer to the buffer where the read data will be placed
size- Size of the read in bytes
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoRemove()

int sceIoRemove ( const char * file)

Remove directory entry.

file- Path to the file to remove
< 0 on error

◆ sceIoRename()

int sceIoRename ( const char * oldname,
const char * newname )

Change the name of a file.

oldname- The old filename
newname- The new filename
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoRmdir()

int sceIoRmdir ( const char * path)

Remove a directory file.

path- Removes a directory file pointed by the string path
Returns the value 0 if its succesful otherwise -1

◆ sceIoSetAsyncCallback()

int sceIoSetAsyncCallback ( SceUID fd,
SceUID cb,
void * argp )

Sets a callback for the asynchronous action.

fd- The filedescriptor currently performing an asynchronous action.
cb- The UID of the callback created with sceKernelCreateCallback
argp- Pointer to an argument to pass to the callback.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoSync()

int sceIoSync ( const char * device,
unsigned int unk )

Synchronise the file data on the device.

device- The device to synchronise (e.g. msfat0:)
unk- Unknown

◆ sceIoUnassign()

int sceIoUnassign ( const char * dev)

Unassign an IO device.

dev- The device to unassign.
< 0 on error
Example: See ::sceIoAssign

◆ sceIoWaitAsync()

int sceIoWaitAsync ( SceUID fd,
SceInt64 * res )

Wait for asyncronous completion.

fd- The file descriptor which is current performing an asynchronous action.
res- The result of the async action.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoWaitAsyncCB()

int sceIoWaitAsyncCB ( SceUID fd,
SceInt64 * res )

Wait for asyncronous completion (with callbacks).

fd- The file descriptor which is current performing an asynchronous action.
res- The result of the async action.
< 0 on error.

◆ sceIoWrite()

int sceIoWrite ( SceUID fd,
const void * data,
SceSize size )

Write output.

bytes_written = sceIoWrite(fd, data, 100);
int sceIoWrite(SceUID fd, const void *data, SceSize size)
Write output.
fd- Opened file descriptor to write to
data- Pointer to the data to write
size- Size of data to write
The number of bytes written

Referenced by putDebugChar().

◆ sceIoWriteAsync()

int sceIoWriteAsync ( SceUID fd,
const void * data,
SceSize size )

Write output (asynchronous)

fd- Opened file descriptor to write to
data- Pointer to the data to write
size- Size of data to write
< 0 on error.