SceUID | sceKernelLoadModule (const char *path, int flags, SceKernelLMOption *option) |
| Load a module.
SceUID | sceKernelLoadModuleMs (const char *path, int flags, SceKernelLMOption *option) |
| Load a module from MS.
SceUID | sceKernelLoadModuleByID (SceUID fid, int flags, SceKernelLMOption *option) |
| Load a module from the given file UID.
SceUID | sceKernelLoadModuleBufferUsbWlan (SceSize bufsize, void *buf, int flags, SceKernelLMOption *option) |
| Load a module from a buffer using the USB/WLAN API.
int | sceKernelStartModule (SceUID modid, SceSize argsize, void *argp, int *status, SceKernelSMOption *option) |
| Start a loaded module.
int | sceKernelStopModule (SceUID modid, SceSize argsize, void *argp, int *status, SceKernelSMOption *option) |
| Stop a running module.
int | sceKernelUnloadModule (SceUID modid) |
| Unload a stopped module.
int | sceKernelSelfStopUnloadModule (int unknown, SceSize argsize, void *argp) |
| Stop and unload the current module.
int | sceKernelStopUnloadSelfModule (SceSize argsize, void *argp, int *status, SceKernelSMOption *option) |
| Stop and unload the current module.
int | sceKernelQueryModuleInfo (SceUID modid, SceKernelModuleInfo *info) |
| Query the information about a loaded module from its UID.
int | sceKernelGetModuleIdList (SceUID *readbuf, int readbufsize, int *idcount) |
| Get a list of module IDs.
int | sceKernelGetModuleIdByAddress (const void *moduleAddr) |
| Get the ID of the module occupying the address.