PSPSDK 2025-02-06
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 C_PspDebugProfilerRegsStructure to hold the psp profiler register values
 C_PspDebugRegBlockStructure to hold the register data associated with an exception
 C_PspDebugStackTraceStructure to hold a single stack trace entry
 C_PspLibraryEntryStructure to hold a single export entry
 C_pspUtilityGameSharingParamsStructure to hold the parameters for Game Sharing
 C_pspUtilityMsgDialogParamsStructure to hold the parameters for a message dialog
 C_SceKernelUtilsMd5ContextStructure to hold the MD5 context
 C_SceKernelUtilsMt19937ContextStructure for holding a mersenne twister context
 C_SceKernelUtilsSha1ContextType to hold a sha1 context
 C_SceUtilityOskDataOSK Field data
 C_SceUtilityOskParamsOSK parameters
 C_uidControlBlockStructure of a UID control block
 CConfigDescriptorUSB configuration descriptor
 CDeviceDescriptorUSB device descriptor
 CDeviceRequestUSB EP0 Device Request
 CEndpointDescriptorUSB endpoint descriptor
 CgmonhdrGmon.out file header
 CInterfaceDescriptorUSB Interface descriptor
 CnetDataDatatype for sceUtilityGetNetParam since it can return a u32 or a string we use a union to avoid ugly casting
 CpdpStatStructPDP status structure
 CproductStructProduct structure
 CpspAdhocMatchingMemberLinked list for sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers
 CpspAdhocPoolStatLinked list for sceNetAdhocMatchingGetMembers
 CPspGeBreakParamDrawing queue interruption parameter
 CPspGeCallbackDataStructure to hold the callback data
 CPspGeContextStores the state of the GE
 CPspGeStackStructure storing a stack (for CALL/RET)
 CPspIoDrvArgStructure passed to the init and exit functions of the io driver system
 CPspIoDrvFileArgStructure passed to the file functions of the io driver system
 CPspIoDrvFuncsStructure to maintain the file driver pointers
 CpspUmdInfoUMD Info struct
 CPspUsbCamSetupStillExParamStructure for sceUsbCamSetupStillEx
 CPspUsbCamSetupStillParamStructure for sceUsbCamSetupStill
 CPspUtilitySavedataSFOParamTitle, savedataTitle, detail: parts of the unencrypted SFO data, it contains what the VSH and standard load screen shows
 CptpStatStructPTP status structure
 CrawarcFrompc -> selfpc graph
 CRegParamStruct used to open a registry
 CSceCtrlDataController data
 CSceCtrlLatchController latch data
 CSceGeStackStructure storing a stack (for CALL/RET)
 CSceIoDirentDescribes a single directory entry
 CSceIoStatStructure to hold the status information about a file
 CSceKernelAlarmInfoStruct containing alarm info
 CSceKernelCallbackInfoStructure to hold the status information for a callback
 CSceKernelEventFlagInfoStructure to hold the event flag information
 CSceKernelFplInfoFixed pool status information
 CSceKernelLoadExecParamStructure to pass to loadexec
 CSceKernelLoadExecVSHParamStructure for LoadExecVSH* functions
 CSceKernelMbxInfoCurrent state of a messagebox
 CSceKernelMbxOptParamAdditional options used when creating messageboxes
 CSceKernelMppInfoMessage Pipe status info
 CSceKernelMsgPacketHeader for a message box packet
 CSceKernelSemaInfoCurrent state of a semaphore
 CSceKernelSemaOptParamAdditional options used when creating semaphores
 CSceKernelSysClock64-bit system clock type
 CSceKernelSystemStatusStructure to contain the system status returned by sceKernelReferSystemStatus
 CSceKernelThreadEventHandlerInfoStruct for event handler info
 CSceKernelThreadInfoStructure to hold the status information for a thread
 CSceKernelThreadKInfoStructure to hold the status information for a thread (kernel form) 1.5 form
 CSceKernelThreadOptParamAdditional options used when creating threads
 CSceKernelThreadRunStatusStatistics about a running thread
 CSceKernelTimevalThis struct is needed because tv_sec size is different from what newlib expect Newlib expects 64bits for seconds and PSP expects 32bits
 CSceKernelVplInfoVariable pool status info
 CSceLibraryEntryTableDefines a library and its exported functions and variables
 CSceLibraryStubTableSpecifies a library and a set of imports from that library
 CSceLwMutexWorkareaStruct as workarea for lightweight mutex
 CSceModuleDescribes a module
 CSceNetAdhocctlParamsParams structure
 CSceNetAdhocctlPeerInfoPeer info structure
 CSceNetAdhocctlScanInfoScan info structure
 CSceNetInetTimevalThis struct is needed because tv_sec size is different from what newlib expect Newlib expects 64bits for seconds and PSP expects 32bits
 CSceThreadContextThread context Structues for the thread context taken from florinsasu's post on the forums
 CSceUtilitySavedataParamStructure to hold the parameters for the sceUtilitySavedataInitStart function
 CStringDescriptorUSB string descriptor
 CUsbConfigurationUSB driver configuration
 CUsbDataPadded data structure, padding is required otherwise the USB hardware crashes
 CUsbdDeviceReqUSB device request, used by sceUsbbdReqSend and sceUsbbdReqRecv
 CUsbDriverUSB driver structure used by sceUsbbdRegister and sceUsbbdUnregister
 CUsbEndpointUSB driver endpoint
 CUsbInterfaceUSB driver interface
 CUsbInterfacesUSB driver interfaces structure